The exiled daughter of an English businessman returns home, in the midst of the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in the Humberstone nitrate office, during the acute 1930s financial crisis.
Titre original:Pampa Ilusión
Acteurs:Alessandra Guerzoni, Alfredo Castro, Álvaro Espinoza, Álvaro Morales, Amparo Noguera, Antonia Zegers, Blanca Lewin, Carmen Disa Gutiérrez, Claudia Cabezas, Claudia Di Girólamo, Claudio González, Consuelo Holzapfel, Daniela Lhorente, Delfina Guzmán, Eduardo Barril, Erto Pantoja, Felipe Ríos, Francisca Imboden, Francisco Melo, Francisco Reyes, Héctor Noguera, José Soza, Juan Falcón, Luis Alarcón, Luz Jiménez, Marés González, Nestor Cantillana, Óscar Hernández, Pablo Schwarz, Ricardo Fernández, Rodrigo Pérez, Roxana Campos, Sergio Hernandez, Tamara Acosta, Violeta Vidaurre, Ximena Rivas
Créateur:Víctor Carrasco