In the heart of the Alentejo countryside, Mariana and José Diogo are two children whose backgrounds could not be more different: she is the fruit of a loving relationship; he's an orphan. She has a safe haven in her family to run to when she gets hurt; he can only run to her.
Titre original:A Protegida
Acteurs:Alexandra Lencastre, Aline Neves, Catarina Nifo, Catarina Rebelo, Christian Escuredo, Daniel Viana, Dinis Lima, Diogo Morgado, Duarte Gomes, Fernanda Serrano, Inês Herédia, João Bettencourt, Joaquim Horta, Maria do Céu Guerra, Marina Mota, Mário Oliveira, Matilde Breyner, Matilde Reymão, Noua Wong, Paula Neves, Paulo Pires, Pedro Sousa, Sandra Celas, Sandra Faleiro, Sara Barradas, Sílvia Filipe, Tiago Teotónio Pereira
Créateur:Patrícia Müller